Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cool Jerk(s)

What I'm about to say will likely not come as a surprise to our friends to the north or across the pond. We really are a nation of jerks...even if culturally more and more of our "ways" are being adopted around the globe, hence the name of this post.

Before I share the little episodes that occurred on my ride home today, let me put forth this thought. How many of you have been driving down the road and got frustrated enough at a slow driver, especially in the left lane, that you muttered some choice words under your breath?

How many of you have also done the same when you are passed by a "maniac" driving too fast? Now here's the kicker--how many of you have had both reactions while driving down the highway within a matter of minutes? I know I have. Let's think about that then, shall we? There are these two groups of annoying drivers out there - those driving too slow and those driving too fast...right? In other words the world would be a better place if everyone just drove the perfect speed (MINE) and did it behind me!

I stopped off at the Marquette Food Co-op on my way home from work today. I pulled out onto Baraga Ave. and paused at Front St. to turn right. Now those of you familiar with our lovely streets know that lane markings and logical traffic patterns are few and far between.

My best guess is that after checking traffic, I swung out into the road to head South. At about the same time, this lovely man decided he had to turn left. He clearly believed there were two distinct lanes and I had not turned enough into my lane to satisfy him. The result was I nearly cut him off as he turned into my blind spot and began to speed down the road. He was forced to accelerate even faster and swerve left while shaking his fist and making a face only slightly less frightening than Ms. Helmsley there.

Not two minutes later I am in the left lane with other folks in the right lane climbing Shiras Hill heading South out of town. The speed limit doesn't rise from 35 m.p.h. to 50 m.p.h. until you are at the top of the hill. I wasn't going fast enough apparently for this other lovely man on his big fancy motorcyle. He passed me on the right and pulled in front of me and made a thumbs to the right hand motion to clearly indicate that I should get my ass into the right lane.

Ironically I continued to accelerate according to the posted speed plan and by the time we were heading down the hill and I was approaching my usual (illegal) 60 m.p.h. he was now the slow one holding me back. When I got too close to his precious behind, he made another hand gesture suggesting I should back off! I know he was watching me in his mirror so I gave him his thumb gesture back suggesting he get HIS ass into the right lane - more to make a point than anything else.

This flap over the distinguished gentleman from South Carolina (not!) and his outburst was troublesome enough; yet the angry banter back and forth on Facebook and Twitter (and I've added my share of colorful commentary) has left me disillusioned.

If I'm honest though, I cheered the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at President Bush. There are some subtle differences between that outburst and the recent "You lie!," but in both cases the Office of the President was disrespected.

In arguing with anonymous commenters on a Facebook thread from a post of my brother's, I am hearing folks argue that we should not ration health care even if it means paying for questionable end of life treatment for dying octogenarians because "they deserve to fight for their lives," and at the same time suggest that the 45 million uninsured are "deadbeats" who deserve their fate because they have the right to work just like the rest of us. Apparently they don't deserve to fight for their lives until they get off their butts and get a job, dammit! The same lovely young woman made those two statements.

Individuals who foam at the mouth over the suggestion that the government restrict abortion in any way are likely the strongest proponents of gun control. If that statement bothers you than consider it the other way around - those that foam at the mouth over any attempt on the part of the government to restrict gun ownership (how dare the government meddle like that!) are usually the first to demand the government tell a woman she doesn't have control over her own reproductive functions.

How about those same "Right to Life" folks who go insane at the thought of abortion or euthanasia, but would be perfectly happy pulling the switch on the electric chair or arguing in favor of sending off someone else's 18,19, or 20-year-old sons and daughters to fight in a pointless war where lots of innocents on both sides and in between have died?

We have an incredibly wide middle class in this country. The lower classes are generally folks who earn less than we do and the upper classes are generally folks that earn more than we do. (Sounds a bit like those fast and slow drivers again, eh?) Darn it if both of those other groups get all kinds of benefits and we (the middle class) just get screwed.

How did we get so wrapped up in ourselves? Why do we seem so incapable of having civilized public discourse on the issues? Many of those on the right seem to hate President Obama darn near as much as I hated President Bush. I was struck today by an article that was shared on Facebook about canine intelligence.

The author stated, "Our ape cousins are simply too distracted by their aggression and competitiveness to fathom gestures easily. Chimps can cooperate to get food that they can't get on their own, but if there's the slightest chance for them to fight over it, they will. For humans to evolve as we did, Hare says, "We had to not get freaked out about sharing." Kind of makes you wonder if we're actually experiencing some kind of de-evolution in this culture, eh?

We are DEVO...D.E.V.O...Are we not men?

Read the rest of the article here.


Scott said...

Never imagined I'd see a photo of Leona Helmsley on your blog... terrifying.

L8N said...

I'm so disappointed, Larry. The way your post started, and then you failed to include the words of the late, great George Carlin?


Have you ever noticed that when you're driving, anyone going slower than you is an idiot? And anyone going faster than you is a maniac?

"Will you look at this idiot? Look at him! Just creeping along! Holy shit! Look at that maniac go!"

It's a wonder we ever get anywhere at all these days, what with all the idiots and maniacs out there. Because no one ever drives at my speed.


R.I.P., George.

RENZ said...

I'll have to track that one down, L8N, sounds like it would be right up my alley...Scott there were even better ones I could have posted. How does your laugh go? Mwahahaha.

Kate said...

I love it when you rant!

Anonymous said...

I too have been very surprised to see a side of "friends" that I never thought I'd see come out when arguing back and forth about a posted link regarding the speech Obama made to school-aged children. I wonder if I've been blind to certain unpleasant aspects of "friends" or if those others are, as you say, de-evolving, right before my eyes.
Of course, I never show any signs of such de-evolution! The only people I can't tolerate are those who are intolerant of others. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?!

Carolyn Beckman Mason
(lost my password again -- Grrr)