Monday, August 31, 2009

More On My Mysterious Ailment...

Yes, I've used this image before, but it is too perfect for my current experience. I, of course, am the elephant (no surprise there, eh?). The blind chinamen are the various and sundry medical professionals I have encountered in the past couple of months.

The hand therapist and I decided not to continue beyond this week as it was not making a difference. He provided me with some excellent splints which are helping with the carpal tunnel symptoms and he has shown me some good stretching exercises to help with the range of motion and stiffness/pain. There seems little point in coming in for sessions that I can manage myself at home.

I bumped into a former co-worker in the cafeteria. She now works for one of the neurosurgeons. She thought it was likely to be my neck and I had had problems last November with my cervical spine. This got me all excited as I would rather have to admit to Type II diabetes due to my size and a coincidental problem with my extremities due to a easily repaired spinal issue.

However, the Rehab doctor squelched that rather quickly. He challenged me, and I had to agree, that the picture didn't indicate spinal problems. He's fairly certain this is some kind of rheumatology issue and is still pushing forward with having me see the rheumatologist.

However, he has warned me that she often leaves patients frustrated and angry because she often seems to deny that there is a problem. Nice, huh? However, before I can go to Mayo Clinic (or some other such place) and have the insurance pay for it, I have to use up our local resources. They only allow you to go outside the system if it cannot be provided here.

Meanwhile, every week that goes by I wake up a little stiffer in my feet, legs and arms, my fingers are curled a little more, my grasp is a little weaker...and I wait...and wait...and wait. (sorry, couldn't help a little Casablanca reference there for dramatic effect)

1 comment:

pj said...

Hey. I haven't been reading any blogs lately -- or writing my own -- due to crazy developments in my work life. But I saw your update on FB and I figured I'd stop by.

I really, really, really hope you can get this resolved soon. What are you doing about the Type II diabetes? Could these other issues be some kind of side effect to a medication? I know next to zilch about these things, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

Hang in there, man. <3