Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day Of Rest II

As I do not have to return to the doc until tomorrow, today ended up being another day of rest. Once I realized that I had been up from 4AM until past midnight, it made sense. The humidity was down significantly and Lisa had a plumber coming to fix the water problem so it was just as well. I spent the day reading and relaxing. I managed to take Frankie for a short walk.

I started on the new medication today - methotrexate. I will take it once a week. As of now, I am feeling a bit "off" but it could just be that I am very relaxed and a bit hungry waiting for Lisa to get back from an errand so we can go to dinner.

Indian food again tonight - would be so nice if we had a restaurant in Marquette - it's my favorite ethnic food. After dinner, off to see the final Harry Potter in a nice big, modern theater - also something lacking at home.

Tomorrow's appointment is at 3PM. My visit will wind down to a close and I will gladly head home on Friday. It is a nice break to deal with a single dog instead of the whole pack but I do miss the girls. Peace.

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