Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Booteeful Kittehs...

The girlz continue to get bigger and bigger. They are not quite six and a half months old now. They take great pleasure in pulling books off the shelves, DVDs off the rack, and assorted other games. I look forward to the day when I can begin to let them roam throughout the house. However, step-brother, Frankie, continues to get carried away in his desire to "play" and I want to be certain that no one (Frankie included) will get hurt.

They continue to display all the Maine Coon traits folks have shared - they drink tons of water, they have this strange purr-y quality to their meows, they are big and getting bigger, they are by far the friendliest cats I have ever come across...

I luvs me mah kittehs...


whiteycat said...

What wonderful kittehs! May they bring you much joy and very little aggravation! Regards from all four of my kittehs.

Jan said...

Your kitties are wonderful. They look like the kind of cat we have, even though we are obsessed with our puppy right now. So glad they have you, and you have them.

Challon said...

They do look really sweet. I'm actually terribly afraid of cats but wish I wasn't!

TomS said...

Larry, your charming story of your cats hit close to home. I just started volunteering at a local shelter, and wrote about my first orientation day. You have beautiful animals and I appreciate the care you give them.
Come by for a visit!


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eileen said...

Cuties for sure! My cats like to push things off counters...and my female kitty likes to drink any stray milk she can find left behind by the kidlets by dunking her paw into the glass 9since her nose/head won't fit) and licking it off. I've seen her consume a fair bit of milk that way before I had the heart to shoo her away...

susan s. said...

Very lovely Kittehs! Do they go out now in this weather?