Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Would That It Was All Due To A Wood Tick

If only all my troubles could be ascribed to one of these beasts...

First off, I have to say that I don't find whiny blog posts particularly engaging, so I will try to keep this on the up and up...stiff upper lip and all.

For nigh on a year now I have had to deal with my vague, undiagnosed, chronic "poly arthralgia." After the involved me of SIX different physicians from various specialties, I still have no real answer as to where this is coming from.

I continue to have stiffness and pain in my hands and feet. The pain in my ankles, knees, hips, elbows and shoulders has backed off - more on that in a bit.

The pain is a very low grade burning, arthritic pain. However, early on the blood work did not indicate inflammation and the x-ray panel (head to toe) was unremarkable. I did, however, experience a minor Easter miracle (albeit short lived). On Easter Monday my neighbor Heidi and I took the dogs for a walk. We have been regularly (2-3 times a week) walking the dogs (and my sorry fat a$$) up to two miles at a time now that the weather is nice.

On this particular Monday, we lit the sauna and then went for our walk. We followed up with a fairly typical sauna - I have since learned that my thermometer is not reliable and previous claims of really hot saunas were probably not correct. After this particular sauna I felt funny (that's a medical term). I went over to some friends' house though and by bed time felt very good.

During the next two nights I experienced night sweats. My flannel sheets were cold and damp when I would awaken to use the facilities. Finally on Easter Wednesday morning I realized that the arthritis was GONE! Overnight it was gone - BAM - like that. I could lay my hands flat on the table and fully extend my fingers. No lingering achiness in my joints. It felt like a true miracle.

This is where the picture of our friend up there comes into play. I called up Maria and she reiterated her belief that all of this has been due to the bite of a tick. Apparently before the advent of antibiotics, spirochete infections were treated with heat. She saw a connection between my regular saunas and the sudden departure of the symptoms.

Alas after but a week and a half I began to feel the sudden flashes of pain in my knuckle joints. This was followed by a gradual return of stiffness in my finger joints. I am now also having some pains in my toes and feet. I am not back where I was a month ago even though, so for now I will still take this as an improvement.

The recurrent pain motivated me to have the Infectious Disease doc run some blood work in the hopes that I would find titers for a tick borne illness. Unfortunately, the three labs we had done, including Lymes, have all come back negative.

And so I carry on...stiff upper lip don't you know? Oh, and that is a nice picture of a wood tick. "Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close up..."


Kate said...

I remember checking both boys over for ticks regularly. Should you need a tick checker - I suspect with a digital camera and some ingenuity - I could help ya. Also - I thought the picture above was a worn out work glove. Maybe I am optimistic tonight!

Kirkepiscatoid said...

Bummer! Well, it was certainly worth a look. Now I will have to put my thinking cap back on. At least we know a few more things "that it's not."

Meanwhile, I would still keep up the saunas if I were you. If they can reliably give you some good days, you can at least feel like you are doing something healthy for yourself, even if no one has "THE" answer yet.

Jan said...

Glad you had that checked out. Take care.

susan s. said...

That's an animal? I was thinking the same thing as Kate! I'm so sorry you have been feeling this way. Heat sounds like a good thing! Keep that up. Prayers for you.

Doorman-Priest said...

Prayers for you.

Anonymous said...

I have several friends with symptoms of Lyme disease that have received multiple negative test results. Nothing else has checked out positive. One of these friends has looked into alternative treatment for the Lyme disease and has seen improvement.
I don't know what this means in terms of the tests & of the treatments. I just don't think there are definitive answers about that particular disease. If the symptoms come on more strongly and you want to pursue more tests, I'd suggest looking deeper into the Lyme question.
Of course, I'm not in the medical field... it's just what I've heard from friends.
Take care,
Carolyn Beckman Mason