Friday, June 10, 2011

I Is A Freecycle Convert...

Freecycle...have you heard of it? What an amazing idea. I'm simply hooked.

The concept behind Freecycle is that rather than toss away usable goods, you log into your local freecycle network and let folks know what you have to give away. Similarly if you are looking for stuff, before you run out to your local box store and buy some cheaply made Chinese-kill-the-environment-made-with-toxic-crap item, someone in your network may have what you need sitting in the back of their garage or basement.

I have done an amazing job over the past decade of shedding my pack rat tendencies. However, there are items that clearly have value that I simply do not need, but to throw them out hasn't seemed right either. Case in point, my dad bought a new smoke a number of years ago and brought me his old one which has sat in my porch for years now.

I joined my local group - set up as a Yahoo group - and posted a "TGA: smoker." This lovely young couple was so excited. I'm sure they don't have a pot to piss in. As they were leaving, they saw my beat up old Weber grill on the junk pile and asked if they could have that as well.

Then I saw someone looking for a pet rabbit. In the heat of my illness, the animal care was beginning to be overwhelming. Thelma and Louise are beautiful creatures, but I wasn't getting much rabbit love back for all the work I was putting into them. I have been thinking about finding them a new home for months, but was afraid if I simply put up a notice at the feed store, some kid would talk her parents into them and they'd end up killed by the family dog or escape or simply get sick and die (rabbits are tricky as prey animals - they are near death before you notice they are sick).

So I contacted this guy and asked him if he has had experience with rabbits and he started to list about four different breed types that he'd raised over the years. I found them a new home. When he came to pick them up, he arrived with his boyfriend who nearly wet himself using the "we" pronoun to emphasize the nature of their relationship. I so wanted to look him in the eye and say, "Cool it, sister, you're preaching to the choir..." I hope to make friends with them. They are little babies at the university - or at least Austen is. Older mentors are important in my humble opinion. Relationships need lots of potting soil to spread their roots. But I digress.

I have a few other things up for claiming right now and hope to empty my basement by the end of the summer. Should my mother be reading this, "Not to worry, mom, not giving away and family heirlooms."

I highly recommend you check it out. Anything we can do to begin tearing down this consumer culture that is destroying us and our environment. Peace.


Kate said...

I got a TV stand using Freecycle, and gave away a number of things I don't need. I am a convert too! The trick is to give as much as you take or even more.

gramma lee said...

You know me, my heart was racing as I read this thinking of Busia's sewing machine, orange cut glass glass etc etc. I doubt this would work here but it's a great idea.

Janis Bland said...

There's one in my area, and I've signed up twice. Nada. Pisses me off.

Fran said...

I love freecycle. When I was leaving Nyack to move up here I had a lot of stuff that did not sell and that no one that I knew wanted. My favorite moment was when a youngish woman came by with her mom, they were taking a table. They admired something that I was going to keep and I started talking to them. It seems the woman's husband had just walked out on her days earlier and left her in an almost empty apartment. I ended up giving her a bunch of other stuff that I did not really need, including the other table she fell in love with.

It is great!

Jan said...

I really like Freecycle, too!!