Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kitteh Update...

The girlz are coming along just fine. I broke down last week what with the big blizzard coming and all and moved them inside. I had left to run errands and they were gone - probably over exploring at Chris 'n Cora's - and when I returned they were waiting for their supper. I picked them up and they were damp. I checked their bedding in the shelter and it was damp too. They must have come back covered in snow and curled up inside. The last straw was that when I went to rearrange the towels, one was frozen to the side of the "hut."

So they are now indoor/outdoor kittehs - mostly indoor until Spring. They are most pleased with their new bathroom contraption that means they no longer have to squat in the snow. They luvz them their Papa and jumps on his big belly when he visits them in their lair.

There have been some group therapy sessions to ensure that the canines and the felines respect each other. The canine girls are way too intimidated by the feline girls to make any trouble. Frankie, the only other boy in the house these days, is learning his manners. It helps that the Misses Shelz have claimed ownership of their lair and explained to Frankie that he is a GUEST and should act like one.

The top photo is the Mistress Cal Kitty - Cal standing in for her full name, Catherine Aragon Latifah. She has lost her initial shyness and her timidity post-group canine attack is waning. She has rapidly caught up to her sister in weight and size once an ample, regular food supply was on hand. As you can see she is not as fluffy as her multi-toed sister - what's the fancy word for that again anyway? something-dactyl?

The bottom photo is the regal Mistress Abby Cat - Abby standing in for her full name, Anne Boleyn Boudicca. She is every inch the warrior queen, taking the lead role in teaching Frankie his manners. Abby has ventured regularly to the top of the basement stairs. This has caught her Papa unawares leading to an unexpected buttsniff by Frankie this morning. She is clearly ready for the day when she can claim the whole house as her own and turn us all into her GUESTS.

A co-worker recently asked me why I didn't choose to go into veterinary medicine or a similar field given my love of animals. It was one of those special moments where you catch a glimpse of yourself through someone else's eyes. I explained to her that I long ago realized that I don't want my work to be something I love - that would simply turn a love into a chore. That is not to say I don't think it's important to enjoy what you do, but I most definitely work to live.

Animals will always be a part of my living. Like St. Francis before me, I find something mystical in the trust relationship that is created between a human and a canine or a feline. It would seem if two distinct species can get along, that members of the same species should be able to find away to live in harmony. Peace.

COMMENT: Oh, yeah, keep in mind that these girls are not even 6 months old yet! I really believe they've got some awesome Maine Coon blood from their "Kitteh Papa" - what do you think?


Tay Moss said...

Yep--some Maine Coon for sure. MC's like to drink a lot of water. another characteristic behaviour is a kind of trilling they do meow. Almost like a loud purr.

RENZ said...

Thanks, they keep getting bigger I felt fairly confident. Plus thanks for the tip about the water - I was wondering why they were drinking so much.

Lindy said...

Abby Cat looks very MC-ish in the face. What a stroke of luck.

whiteycat said...

These are beautiful cats.