Sunday, November 2, 2008

All Souls Day

On the church calendar today is All Souls Day, and in the spirit (if you will pardon the expression) I had a wonderful moment this morning remembering my Grandmother. Those of you who know me well, know that much of my household decor comes from her - I have much of her furntiture, everyday dishes, mugs, kitchen utensils, milk glass, and tchatchkies, etc. I have a fond memory of sitting with her in the nursing home talking, she gets this big grin and says to me, "You really like all that old stuff?" Anyway, Gram was bit of a worrier when it came to illness. She would be convinced that dementia was setting in because she'd catch herself putting the milk in the pantry. I would remind her that such mistakes were an indication of being distracted not demented and tell her how I (in my 30's at the time) did the same kinds of things, but didn't worry about it the way she did because I was young. I've known many folks worry the same way as they get older - Alzheimers is a big fear of growing old. Well, so here I am this morning stumbling around, post time change, running/feeding the dogs, which this morning includeds Cedar the neighbor dog who periodically shows up at meal, time, do my bunny chores, feed the fish, make coffee, etc. - just about all at the same time. So when I catch myself about to sprinkle fish food into the empty coffee filter, I burst out laughing and remembering my grandmother once again, feel her presence with me and within me, and it brings me a sense of peace. So on this All Souls Day, to all my friends and family that have crossed over, peace to you and fond memories.

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